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Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:50 am
by Angie
Where am I? Sometimes I forget! Presently, we are in England. Moved here in Summer 04 and will be here until Summer 07 or 08. We live in a quiet village in the countryside. You can hear a pin drop. There are pheasant and fox everywhere. Our village church is 11th century! And we thought our 1920 house in Tampa was "old". I have never learned more about being American as I have from living in England! The world is really watching us!

We have visited London a few times, explored numerous castles, visited North Wales (where sheep really do cross the road as you are driving!), and the Scottish Highlands. All of this is just a drive away...very cool. We are planning a trip to Turkey in Feb/Mar and Ireland in the Spring/Summer...and will continue to explore England as always. There really is a Sherwood Forest where Robin Hood's 900 year old oak tree hideout is located!

I have grown accustomed to the food here....but I miss American food! The Brits have taught me how to make yorkshire pudding (by the way, it is not dessert) and I have introduced the Brits to Mardi Gras & cajun food & the Live BourboCam, where they got to see Mardi Gras in the raw!

So, that is our "present life"....we will continue to try to understand the English language in England and carry 2 with pounds and the other with dollars for when we shop on Base....we will try to remember what it was like to drive on the right and to have stop signs and lights instead of a million roundabouts a very narrow, curvy roads....I will keep daydreaming about a Spicy Chicken Sandwich from Wendy's. We are flying home to Covington for Christmas Dec 15-Jan 3.....Wendy's here I come! My contact number there will be 985-630-0929 (my brother) in case there is a spontaneous reunion during that time....feel free to call.